
Tooltips float over the layout and provide additional information about elements in the user interface or features upon hover or focus.

Class Type
tooltip Tooltip A class representing a tooltip


Tooltips consist of two components:

Class Type
tooltip-popup Text
is-bottom Align Bottom The tooltip will appear below the element.
<button class="tooltip" aria-label="variables info">
  <span class="icon-info" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  <span class="tooltip-popup" role="tooltip">Set variables or secret keys.</span>
<button class="tag tooltip">
  <span class="icon-duplicate" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  <span class="text">User ID</span>
  <span class="tooltip-popup" role="tooltip">
    <p class="text u-margin-block-start-8">Set variables or secret keys.</p>
<button class="tag tooltip">
  <span class="icon-duplicate" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  <span class="text">User ID</span>
  <span class="tooltip-popup is-bottom" role="tooltip">Set variables or secret keys.</span>